A regular meeting of the Sharon Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 7:00p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building.  The following members were present:  John Lee, C hairman; Seth Ruskin, Abe Brahmachari, Barry Barth and Lee Wernick (7:05 p.m.).

Mr. Lee moved to accept the following minutes:  May 9, 2012, May 23, 2012, June 13, 2012, July 25, 2012, November 14, 2012, November 28, 2012, January 9, 2013 and September 11, 2013.  Motion seconded by Mr. Barth and voted 4-0-0.

7:02 p.m.             Charles Matthews, 2 Morse Street, Case No. 1730 Continued Hearing:  Mr. Lee read a letter from Jim Andrews, Health Agent dated September 24, 2013 stating the septic system was recently upgraded and is compliant.  The applicant’s architect, Hagit Levy, Sharon, MA submitted a new plot plan dated September 14, 2013, which showed the proposed addition.  Mr. Lee stated the revised plans show the existing house and the setbacks as requested at our last meeting.  He questioned what they are proposing for the existing front porch.  Mr. Matthews stated nothing.   There were no questions from the board or public.  Mr. Lee moved to close the hearing as requested by the applicant.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0 (Lee, Ruskin, Barth).  Mr. Lee moved to approve the request for 2 Morse Street for two findings and a special permit relative to the proposed expansion of structure on a nonconforming lot and to accept the design as shown on the plot plan dated September 14, 2013 and the drawings dated June 4, 2013 as submitted.  Motion seconded by Mr. Barth and voted 3-0-0 (Lee, Barth, Ruskin).

7:06 p.m.             Courtney and Edward Brackenbury, 16 Norfolk Place, Case No. 1732:  Mr. Lee read the public hearing notice and a correspondence from Greg Meister, Conservation Agent dated September 25, 2013 and September 24, 2013 from Jim Andrews, Health Agent.  Mr. Brackenbury stated in his packet he submitted a plan showing a side view of his house and also a current arrangement of the rooms inside.  They want to remove the wall between the garage and living room and convert the garage into more living space.  They are not changing the footprint.  Mr. Wernick asked if they are only changing how the rooms will be divided and Mr. Brackenbury stated yes.  There will now be a wall separating the living room and dining room.  Mr. Barth questioned the deck.  Mr. Brackenbury stated they may have to add a step.  Mr. Lee asked how many bedrooms and Mr. Brackenbury stated it is listed as four, three of which are upstairs.  Mr. Wenick stated if they plan on changing the steps outside, we will need to address the side yard setback.  Mr. Brackenbury stated they would only be changing one step.  Also, there will be a step down from the dining room level.  Mr. Lee asked who is the architect and Mr. Brackenbury stated his father.   Mr. Lee asked for questions from the public.  Ed Lazarro, 4 Middlesex Road and two other neighbors stated they are here to support the project.  Mr. Lee stated he is pleased with the plan. 

There were no further questions and the applicant asked to close the hearing.  Mr. Lee moved to close the hearing.  Motion seconded by Mr. Wernick and voted 3-0-0 (Lee, Wernick, Barth).  Mr. Lee moved to approve the addition as shown on the plot plan dated April 14, 2013 and the plan submitted for 16 Norfolk Place consisting of four sheets.  Motion seconded by Mr. Barth and voted 3-0-0 (Lee, Wernick, Barth).

It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Approved 10/9/13                                                                           Respectfull y submitted,